Landscape designs by

The Dynamic Dragonfly, LLC

Landscape Design
Rain Gardens
Erosion Control
Herb Spirals and Gardens
Garden Design, Installation, Maintenance
Seasonal Annual Design & Installation


The Dynamic Dragonfly

Nature is diverse. It does not judge, it loves color.
Nature is dynamic. It embraces change and growth. It supports itself by supporting others.
As a dragonfly's wings, nature is transparent, it communicates clearly - if we are willing to listen. 
I believe we can learn a lot about ourselves from appreciating the dynamic, diverse, supportive qualities of nature. 

           - Betty Houston

The Dynamic Dragonfly was born out of a love for nature and a passion for designing landscapes in a way that serves the client as well as places plants appropriately in a site that suits the needs of the plant.  

Contact Information

Hickory, Statesville &
Lake Norman area

About us

Landscape designs by The Dynamic Dragonfly, LLC takes pride in customizing our services to our client's desires, needs and preferences. We take into consideration site conditions, material availability, and plant selection for best possible results.

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